What a fun breakfast we enjoyed together!
This past week we have been exploring polygons in math.  Today we made polygons with marshmallows and toothpicks!
This is nearly a month overdue!  Sorry!  Check out some of the fun we had on our 100th day.
Miss Dubocq has joined our class! Together we have learned about weather.  We learned that snow is frozen water. We studied the water cycle and how water has 3 forms; liquid, gas and solid.

Next in science, we are learning about penguins! We learned that leopard seals eat penguins. We also know that penguins waddle, lay eggs and cannot fly. Miss Dubocq started reading the book Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florrence Atwater to us. We just read about how Captain Cook (the penguin) likes to eat shrimp.  As we read more we will keep you posted!
Our class spent a chilly December morning at the Christmas Tree Farm!  We learned how to make our own wreath.

Our finished wreath!

Then we hopped on a wagon ride, sang Christmas carols and headed out to see all the trees. 

And of course, we needed to warm up with some popcorn and hot chocolate!  What a great day!

During our class Christmas party we made gingerbread houses.  Here is the room ready to go!  Go to the Photo Gallery to see pictures of our yummy houses.

We sure had a wonderful Christmas season together!

Check out the Photo Gallery for more Thanksgiving pictures!
Looks like our owl had a tasty lunch!  Here are the bones found in one of the owl pellets we dissected.  Go over to the Photo Gallery to see more pictures from our owl unit.

We liked The Littlest Owl by Caroline Pitcher.  We have been studying owl, so this fiction story was so fun to read!  This is about a baby owl who is smaller than his brothers and sisters.   He has a hard time learning to fly.  Read the book to find out what happens when a storm comes.

On Halloween, our class split into 4 groups.  Each group measured and weighed a pumpkin.  Then, we cut the top off, and got our hands all slimy!  To count the seeds we made groups of 10.  All our little pumpkins had around 600 seeds!

We loved this book!  It is called Dory Story by Jerry Pallotta.  A little boy sails away on a dory even though his mom told him not to.  He sees lots of ocean animals eating each other.  He hopes  he does not get eaten!  There is a great surprise ending, but we won't tell you!