We are now the proud caretakers of 5 tiny caterpillars!

We had a very exciting Earth Day!  Not only did our caterpillars arrive, but we did some planting too!  Check it out at the Photo Gallery!


Would you try it?

5 said no!

13 said yes!

Check out the Photo Gallery for more pictures!
We have been learning about penguins!  It has been so much fun!  We have learned..

1. Penguins toboggan (this means they slide on their bellies) 

2. Penguins waddle.

3. Penguins pop out of the water.

4. Their prey is fish, squid, krill, and octopus.

5. Penguins live in Antarctica.

Here is a peek at our Penguin books!  We even got to share our books with the kindergarten classes!

We had a great time reading and writing about penguins, and I think we will always love penguins!

In preparation for Valentine's Day, we had a jar of candy hearts on the table.  We've noticed candy hearts lying around the room the past few days and have been a little suspicious.  Today, we went to get the juice for our party out of the fridge, and when we came back...the candy hearts were GONE!  Left in their place was our first clue from the Sweetheart Snatcher!
The hunt was on!  Clues took us all over the school until we finally found our candy hearts in the gym!
Reading a clue!
We found them!
Once we got our hearts back, we were ready to start our party!
Such a fun day!
I know it's been awhile, but we are finally back to posting on our blog!  Take a peek at what we've been up to in math this week. 
Making flat shapes
Making 3-D shapes
Most students have lost 4 teeth.
Our class lost a total of 88 teeth!
Charlotte Joy was born on September 24, and we are both doing great!  We have taken hundreds of pictures of her already, but I picked out a few favorites to share.
This past week we learned about the life cycle of an apple tree.  We also read about Johnny Appleseed and set up a science investigation to learn how to stop an apple from browning.  Today we followed a recipe and made some scrumptious applesauce! Boy oh boy, did it smell good!

Once our 4 caterpillars were safe in their chrysalises, we had to transfer them to the butterfly net.  Check back in about 10 days!
Day 1
Day 2 They grew so much!